Synchronicity is the universe's way of telling us that we matter

I was listening to a Hollywood writer being interviewed about the writer's strike. He reminded listeners that us humans have a core need to feel like we matter.

When we don't feel like we matter, we get desperate and do crazy or harmful things.

His point was that a lot of society's current structures and systems make us feel like we don't matter.

Synchronicity comes from the whole

In the world today it's hard to avoid being measured and quantified. The value of things is reduced to what they produce. If you don't produce enough work, maybe because you have family demands or health issues, you lose your worth at work. If you don't produce enough money, you lose the security of a place to live.

This is reflected in our established worldview in sciences as well. In reductionism, everything can be explained by looking at the parts of the thing.

But synchronicity can't be explained that way. Synchronicity comes from the whole.

The value of a synchronicity isn't quantified by how well it matches our expectations; it comes from the special surprise that we feel, the connections to the outside that we couldn't have anticipated.

Divine scheduling

For instance, consider this Divine scheduling... during the weeks that my kid is away at camp, I was lucky to receive three separate opportunities for "me" time. They are all perfectly back to back, and all near Mendocino, about three hours north of my home.

These were not coordinated in the parts, but in the whole. I'm left with the feeling that I am where I need to be, and very grateful, willing to say "yes".

Synchronicity is how we know that we matter

When a synchronicity happens, it may be meaningful only to us. This reminds us that we ourselves, independent of everyone else, are having a personal connection to the wide Cosmos.

The personal nature of Synchronicity is a reminder that the Universe knows we are here.

So even if you feel like your your job, your family, your friends, or your community don't value you for you, let yourself be reminded by Synchronicity.


When you take an action, keep an eye out for the response. When synchronicity happens to you, you know that the story of the universe unfolded in a unique way because of your presence in it.

Tracking progress in the Course

For students in the Living in Flow Course, this exercise is from Module 6, Authenticity as Flow. Check out segment 1!

(If you're not in the Course yet, you can join for free here.)


Community talk 10AM PT Tues June 27 on Zoom and Facebook with Ches Pierre-Paul.

Sky Nelson-Isaacs