Sky Nelson Book Reading "Leap to Wholeness"
Sky Nelson Book Reading "Leap to Wholeness"
Point Reyes native Sky Nelson-Isaacs shares his 2nd book, "Leap to Wholeness: How the World is Programmed to Help Us Grow, Heal, and Adapt."
Leap to Wholeness is an exploration of the real science of wholeness. How has our world been shaped by a worldview of separateness? How has modern science—which has opened up our vista in so many ways—also limited what we can perceive?
Leap to Wholeness explores the physics of filters, both those used in the laboratory and those within our own minds and hearts. We can become better at “seeing how we see the world”. We can become more familiar with our own biases, preferences, and prejudices. We can get out of cycles where we experience the same challenges again and again.
Leap to Wholeness is a wondrous journey into how we construct the world, a tour through the science of holograms and light, and an inquiry into what may be possible when we peel back those filters and see the world with fresh eyes.