A science of synchronicity

Leap to Wholeness is an exploration of how our perceptions shape our reality.


Release date: March 2, 2021

“Leap to Wholeness is a radiant quilt of science and spirituality with a keen awareness of social justice, a thread of sanity in a world facing some of the greatest challenges in human history, a shot of Mystery for all who seek.”

-Vera de Chalambert, author of “Kali Takes America,” spiritual story teller, and scholar of comparative religion

"Physicist and author Sky Nelson has written a book that is not only profound but also urgent. Whether or not our human species survives on this planet largely depends on the degree to which we sense his key message about the intrinsic connections, unity, and the interdependence of all of life. Think of Leap to Wholeness as a survival manual for humans, because that is what it is."

- Larry Dossey, MD Author: One Mind: How Our Individual Consciousness Is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters

“Many people have clarified a variety of interesting issues through the lens of the flow experience. Few have done this more successfully than Sky Nelson-Isaacs, who uses flow to explain the mysteries of synchronicity.”

-Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

“With science, story, and vulnerable reflection, Leap to Wholeness provides a clear path to expanding into greatness through the magic of synchronicity and experiencing the curriculum of life with awe and wonder.”

- Rebecca Villarreal, author of The Amazing Adventures of Selma Calderón

"Sky takes us on a journey where science and spirit express the same reality—a reality that is always seeking to restore balance in its quest for wholeness. Deep scientific insights intertwine naturally with personal reflections and what might have seemed academic science becomes relevant to anyone on a conscious journey of self-exploration."

- Kimberly Carter Gamble, producer, director, and cowriter of globally-acclaimed Thrive I and Thrive II

“...in this manual for more effective living, Nelson-Isaacs helps facilitate healing as he guides the reader to an awareness of not only their Wholeness but of the Wholeness of it All. A must-read for anyone looking for a deeper, more meaningful, and purposeful experience of life."

- Rev. Raymont L. Anderson, DD, PhD, MSCD, Senior Minister of the Center for Spiritual Living Greater Baltimore


Leadership and Business

“[Nelson-Isaacs] awakens our spirit by sharing his own insights and journey in a deep, authentic, and very personal way....For those of us that have always wondered if there are coincidences, Sky’s science-based blended with soulful approach answers this big question once and for all! Read on…there’s so much more inside…”

- Dana Look-Arimoto, Settle Smarter podcast, executive coach, speaker, and author

“The bad news is that Leap to Wholeness is not light reading. The good news is that if you can focus 100 percent attention on Sky Nelson-Isaacs’s insights, even for a few minutes, you will reap rewards that will pay dividends for a lifetime. There is gold in every sentence and each time you read the book you gain new ideas that will help you become a more complete person who is in harmony with the world.”

- Dr. Michael Soon Lee, coauthor of Cross-Cultural Selling for Dummies

“Nelson-Isaacs explores this very important subject with considerable scientific knowledge of synchronicity and physics and uses it to bring light to bear on universal concepts of emotional healing.”

- Philip Merry, PhD, author of 9 Keys of Synchronicity, CEO of Singapore’s Global Leadership Academy



“Based on solid scientific foundations from quantum physics, Nelson-Isaacs takes readers on a path of a holistic cosmos and inner healing. Like our outer world, our inner world also seems to follow the multidimensional entangled histories of a holographic universe.”

- Marcin Nowakowski, PhD, Gdansk University of Technology

“...a fascinating and useful guide to transcending the limiting assumptions to which our contemporary mainstream culture locks us in, opening up the potential of human and social growth, integration and transformation....a science-based vision of reality in which consciousness and synchronicity play a key role, and which can then be applied to our lives in liberating and transformative ways."

- George Weissman, PhD, cofounder of the Fundamental Fyziks Group

“…a great use of current scientific knowledge sprinkled with personal stories to help readers relate to that knowledge. This is a great contribution and a niche worth filling in the literature.”

- Wolfgang Baer, PhD, founder of Nascent Systems