The Synchronicity Institute seeks the science behind synchronicity and develops practical tools for navigating change.
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Book release events
This book came out during the height of covid, when we really needed more wholeness. We weren't able to meet in person at the time, but it's never too late! If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, please come to one of these live book release events.
Living in Flow Course
We may be connected to each other and a cosmos wider and yet more intimate than most of us have imagined.
Synchronicity and meaningful experiences exist at the crossroads between our sense of purpose (on the inside) and our practical experiences (on the outside).
Syn-chron-icity means “arising together in time,” and indicates a situation where surprising events fall into place in meaningful ways. To develop a model of synchronicity, Sky Nelson-Isaacs performs rigorous research into space and time in quantum mechanics.
The most recent publication, “Spacetime Paths as a Whole,” can be found in the journal Quantum Reports.
Quantum rep. 2021, 3(1), 13-41;
About Sky
SKY NELSON-ISAACS is a physicist, speaker, musician and author. He was raised amongst the study and practice of yoga, taught directly by Sri Swami Satchidananda. Discovering an early fascination with holograms and some of the most fundamental questions in physics, he has sought for over two decades to establish a connection between synchronicity and physics using rigorous research methodology. His most recent publication (Quantum Reports) generalizes some aspects of quantum mechanics with a holistic model of space and time.
An educator with nine years classroom experience, Nelson-Isaacs is also a multi-instrumentalist and professional performer of award-winning original musical compositions. In 2019 he founded the Synchronicity Institute to continue research and training on the science of wholeness, synchronicity, and flow.